Spring Cleaning…Outdoors?
3 Tips for Removing Lawn Litter

While some may welcome spring by cleaning the entire house, some of that attention should be focused outside too. With the warming weather, your plants are waking up and your lawn is calling. Here are some ways to welcome the season by spring cleaning outdoors.
What to do With Lawn Litter
Now that it’s growing season, your lawn will be needing your attention whether you’re ready or not. Preparing for spring means getting rid of debris that’s littering your yard. This is the dead winter grass, broken branches, and garden debris leftover from last year. While raking and bagging isn’t an easy job, it’s even harder to figure out what to do with the leaves and sticks you’ve accumulated. Here are some suggestions.
- Local lawn waste pickup. Typically this is the time of year that organic waste gets it’s own designated day. Check with your municipality for when the trash service will start. You can also drop off your lawn’s refuse at certain local sites where your debris is composted or chipped into mulch.
- Rent a wood chipper. You can make your own mulch by processing fallen branches, shrubs, and other wood debris through a chipper. Even though this machinery can be rented by the day, make sure you know what you’re doing and use caution.
- Start a compost pile. When organic debris breaks down, it releases nutrients back into the soil to help improve quality. Composting is also a green alternative to removing your lawn waste altogether. Another bonus to composting is that you can throw certain kitchen scraps, coffee grounds, egg shells, and other organic matter on a compost pile.
Let JDog Junk Removal & Hauling Help with Spring Cleaning Outdoors
One of the easiest options for lawn waste removal is to call a service like JDog Junk Removal & Hauling for a pick up. Not only do you save yourself a chore, but you enlist a friendly crew of dedicated Military Veterans to remove your yard waste and dispose of it in the most eco-friendly way possible. Plus, if you have a decluttered pile from your indoor spring cleaning, we’ll take that away too. If you’re looking for an easy way to dispose of your yard waste, call 844-GET-JDOG to schedule a pickup time.