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Tips for Decluttering a Vacation Home

Less Mess, More Retreat

A vacation home should feature the furniture, decor, and everyday essentials that make the space inviting and comfortable. Often, a rental can accumulate junk, including pieces that are broken, stained, or simply outdated. Decluttering a vacation home is an important part of managing a property to make it an oasis rather than a dumping ground for unwanted stuff. Here are some tips on what to get rid of to refresh the area.

Decluttering a Vacation Home

If you own a vacation home, how often do you declutter? Overtime, elements of the home can become broken or dirty from rotating visitors, even with regular cleaning. Take some time to evaluate the rental space to ensure it’s worthy of five-star reviews. Focus on the following areas and toss anything that’s beyond repair.

  • Decor. What you originally decorated the space with may no longer fit the aesthetic you’re going for. Keep it simple with tasteful pieces that reflects the local area. Clear clutter from shelves, drawers, and tabletops to create open space for guests.
  • Couches and chairs. Seating areas are prone to wear, tear, and stains. There are only so many times you can flip a cushion before you should get rid of an old, stained seat.
  • Mattress. Would you want to sleep on the mattress in the bedrooms? Old mattresses can make for restless evenings and unsatisfied guests. Plus, pay close attention to any signs of bed bugs and treat immediately.
  • Carpet and rugs. From hallway runners to wall-to-wall carpet, fabric can show its age, especially in high traffic areas. An unfamiliar stain on a rug is also an uninviting sign in any room.
  • Electronics. While you don’t need to outfit the area with the latest tech, at least make sure what you have works and is easy to use.
  • Appliances. Having a fully-equipped kitchen is great for those who like to cook while away, but broken appliances don’t help anyone.
  • Yard waste. Maintain your outdoor spaces by keeping debris and weeds away.

While some property owners don’t return to the rental after every visitor leaves, it’s a good idea to reevaluate what’s in the space at least once a year. Just as regular cleaning is essential for rentals—and your own home—regular decluttering can help make cleaning easier and the space more desirable.

Call JDog Junk Removal & Hauling to Help Declutter

Once you’ve determined it’s time to get rid of tattered furniture, an infested mattress, stained upholstery and rugs, outdated electronics, broken appliances, and yard waste, one company can help with it all! Call 844-GET-JDOG to have JDog’s team come help you clear out your vacation home to make it less of a cluttered mess and more of a peaceful retreat.