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5 Reasons Why You Should Remove Yard Waste

and How to do so Efficiently

yard waste cleanup

Fall can be a beautiful, but messy, time of year. As the leaves change color and drift to the ground, they can pile up on lawns, joining grass clippings, twigs, and other debris. These piles can negatively impact your property, which is why it’s important to remove yard waste in the proper way.

Why You Should Remove Lawn Debris

You may have seen what clutter can do inside your home. Piles of papers mixed with unused items and everyday essentials creates unorganized chaos. The same can be said for outdoors. When the leaves fall this season, they join broken branches, weeds, dead flowers, and other natural elements around your yard. Not only does this create an unsightly mess, but it can also lead to certain health concerns. Here’s why removing yard waste is both important and beneficial in the long run.

  1. Protect your lawn. An accumulate of debris can block sun and air from reaching the grass roots. This can compact the soil and suffocate the grass, leading to dead patches. Piles of debris also prohibits new grass growth, creating an uneven lawn.
  2. Reduce pests. Large nature-made piles are the perfect environment for insects and rodents to hide throughout your yard. Once the weather gets even colder, they may even find their way into your home.
  3. Prevent disease. Once the large clumps of leaves and grass get wet, they’re likely to retain moisture. This encourages fungal growth to spread across your lawn.
  4. Enhance curb appeal. Keep your lawn looking clean and well-maintained without the dead, moldy patches and large piles of leaves.
  5. Less risk of fire. Areas prone to drought conditions and wildfires need to be extra careful about leaving piles of dry debris that could act as kindling.

Instead of letting debris pile up, there’s a way to turn it into something the benefits your yard and environment. Compost! Simply running your mower over fallen leaves not only decreases the piles, but a thin layer acts as a natural mulch. You can leave the broken leaves in your yard or transfer it to the garden. Not only does this recycle yard waste, but it also improves soil health—it’s a win win.

Let JDog Junk Removal & Hauling Remove Yard Waste

If you want to get rid of the leaves and debris but don’t want to do the work, JDog can help. When you call 844-GET-JDOG for yard waste pick-up, we take your bagged leaves and debris to a facility to be turned into beneficial mulch or compost. Now it can fertilize lawns instead of becoming harmful thatch and gutter clutter. You’re left with a healthier, more attractive property and less potential problems while the environment gets a valuable natural resource instead of landfill fodder.