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5 Tips for Getting Rid of Green Waste

Spruce Up Your Lawn and Garden this Spring

Yard Waste Removal

The warming weather and blooming buds offer an enticing invitation to venture out into the garden. Whether you’re getting the beds ready for a new season or haven’t cleaned it up in years, you could end up with piles of weeds, dead plants, and other clippings. Here are some tips for tackling an overgrown garden and getting rid of green waste.

Clearing Out Your Garden

What do you want to see when you look outside? From manicured lawns to more natural landscapes, it all takes a certain level of maintenance. If what you see right now is overgrown bushes, dead plants, and an abundance of weeds, it’s time for some lawn and garden cleanup. Here are some tips to make the process easier.

  1. Start with a plan. This is especially helpful if your backyard looks more like a jungle than an outdoor oasis. Decide what plants you want to keep, relocate, prune, and tear out. If you know you’re getting rid of a lot, consider renting a dumpster to clear debris as you go. At least, plan on bundling the clippings to make it easier to dispose.
  2. Tackle one section at a time. If you have multiple gardens or lawn projects in mind, focus on one at a time. Even if it’s the entire backyard, section it off into quarters to make the job less daunting.
  3. Remove plants first. If you’re completely taking out a tree, shrub, or other section, work on this first to make room to clean up what you want to keep.
  4. Prune. Early spring is a great time to reshape trees and shrubs. Prune back any dead, broken, or diseased branches. Just be careful not to cut anything that’s getting ready to bloom. Try to wait until these flowers fade so you don’t stress the plant.
  5. Weed. Technically, weeds are anything you don’t want in your garden. Some homeowners are embracing certain weed-like plants, such as clover and other groundcovers. But if it’s in your lawn or garden and you don’t want it there or taking over, take it out.

Once your garden is cleaned up and you’re left with piles, bags, or bundles of natural debris, the next task is getting rid of this waste responsibly. If you haven’t already rented a dumpster or end up with more than you originally planned for, there are still ways to manage the debris.

Getting Rid of Green Waste

Now that your garden beds are cleaned up and your lawn is less weedy, it’s time to manage the mess. There are a few ways to deal with the debris, it just depends on what materials you’re working with:

  • Sand, dirt, and soil: if you don’t want to reincorporate these back into the garden or potted plants, it should be contained in yard waste bags and recycled.
  • Dead plants and clippings: anything that’s not considered a weed, poisonous, or diseased can be shredded into mulch and reused.
  • Brick, stone, and concrete: you can repurpose items around your lawn and garden or rent a dumpster for disposal.

If you’re not planning on replanting or repurposing any yard waste, you’re best bet is to rent a dumpster for disposal or hire a professional company like JDog Junk Removal & Hauling. Putting large quantities of yard waste out on the curb may not be an option if your local trash collector won’t haul it all away at once. Call 844-GET-JDOG to talk to one of our specialists about your particular situation and to schedule a pickup. Once your lawn and garden and cleaned up, you can get back to enjoying the beauty of your yard this season.