JDog Junk Removal & Hauling Stories

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Junk Removal for Property Managers

How to Support Property Managers During Turnover

The Lease is Up. Time to Clear Junk Out.

It’s the end of the month, leases are up, renters are moving in and out. Is the space ready? Learn how JDog can help with specialized junk removal for property managers.

Hot Tub Removal

How to Get Rid of a Hot Tub

And Still Keep Your Cool

When you're looking for a tranquil escape from the daily grind, a hot tub can certainly help let off some steam. However, getting rid of such a bulky item can leave you in hot water with waste management. Luckily, there are several options for hot tub removal that allow you to keep your cool.

Cleaning Out Your Hall Closet

4 Steps to Cleaning Out Your Hall Closet

And What to do When You’re Done

Whether you have a dedicated mud room or a small coat rack in the hallway, reserve some time this season for cleaning out your hall closet to reduce clutter and easily find those hand-warmers when you need them.

Getting Rid of an Old TV

Getting Rid of an Old TV

While Keeping it Out of the Trash

At the rate technology advances, the newest TV today could be outdated sooner than you think. Whether you're looking to upgrade your current device or need to replace a broken one, there are several ways of getting rid of an old TV.

Recycling Fire Pits

Can Fire Pits Be Recycled?

A Piece-By-Piece Guide

While frigid winter weather makes it less desirable for some to stay outside, fire pits are a cozy solution. However, there could come a time when its durability wanes and it should be replaced. Learn the options for recycling fire pits depending on what materials it's made from.

Reasons Why We Clutter

7 Reasons Why We Clutter

And What to do About it

The beginning of the year is one time when we’re faced with just how much stuff we have. Now's the perfect time to assess what’s currently in your closets, cupboards, and storage containers. Here are some common reasons why we clutter and some suggestions about what to do about it.