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Junk Removal
Williamsport PA

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Jeremy and Katie Lakes

Jeremy and Katie Lakes


U.S. Army


Jeremy and Katie Lakes have 6 children and have long dreamed of owning and running a business together. The desire to own a business and support the Veteran community led Jeremy and Katie to JDog. Jeremy and Katie are both from the Williamsport area and have lived in Montoursville since Jeremy left the Army in 2011.

Jeremy served 13 years as a truck driver in the U.S. Army. During this time, he served in multiple units, including a year in Korea and 3 deployments to Iraq. Katie was married to Jeremy for 10 of those years and took care of the family during all three deployments.

Jeremy and Katie’s vision to build a legacy for their family is the driving force behind their desire to own a business. They hope to use their experience, education and professionalism to grow a business that can benefit their community at large and help fellow Veterans as they expand operations.

Service Area

  • Jersey Shore
  • Lewisburg
  • Lock Haven
  • Montoursville
  • Muncy

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